Hello !
This newsletter is very special: this autumn, the Euroregion celebrated its 20th anniversary! As well as a look back at this very intense day, you will also discover some of our activities for the second half of 2024. Our networking work in our territories and beyond is bearing fruit, with great recognition from Euroregional, European and Mediterranean actors. Let's wish us other 20 more years of development in the service of our missions:
In progress: CESAM call for projects
CESAM project - Circular economy and sustainable solutions for agri-food in the Mediterranean: its call for projects for innovative SMEs in this sector was launched on 19 November 2024, and will be open until 19 February 2025.
The Euroregion, a major actor in territorial cooperation!
On 7th November 2024, we celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Euroregion in Barcelona.
Many personalities and officials from the European Union were present to bear witness to the achievements made over two decades in the service of cross-border cooperation.
The youth were at the center of the event
Many young people from the Euroregion took part in this day of celebration, highlighting the results of the Youth 4 Green ERF project and discussing cultural cooperation between young people and Europe, in close collaboration with the EYA - Euroregional Youth Assembly.
Declaration by the members of the Euroregion
To reaffirm their position as major players in European cohesion policy, the three representatives of the Euroregion's member institutions signed a declaration addressed to the European Union on the occasion of the Euroregion's 20th anniversary.
N. Pellefigue - Occitanie Region, J. Duch - Generalitat of Catalonia, and A.M. Estarellas - Government of the Balearic Islands, at the signing of the declaration.
The second call for applications for the Euroregional Youth Assembly is open - come and join us!
On 28th and 29th November, the EYA coorganised the second AGACHES event with the Euroccat association in Narbonne, a Euroregional conference on the Occitan and Catalan spaces under the theme of "Overcoming borders: cuts? seams".
Follow EYA on social networks!
The Culture 2024 call for projects is closed! The results are available on our website, and the new projects will start shortly. Projects for the 2023 culture call #APC23 are underway!
The winners of the CREA OCCAT competition (creating content in Catalan and Occitan on social networks) received their prizes at the 20th anniversary celebrations in Barcelona.
Thank you to all the participants for their digital creations in Occitan and Catalan!
The Youth Forum of our Youth for Green EuroRegio Future project was held in Girona on 4th and 5th October. This project developed a Euroregional communication campaign on EU cohesion policy: created by and for young people around the objective of making Europe more green, adapting the most relevant themes of the Green Pact to a Euroregional approach.
In particular, the young people drafted a manifesto for DG Regio.
On 4th October, the Let's Clean Up Europe action was held simultaneously in a nature park in each of the Euroregion's three member territories, with over 200 young people taking part.
Launched on 19th November, the CESAM call for projects is open until 19th February 2025. This call for projects is aimed at innovative SMEs located in Catalonia, Occitania and the Balearic Islands.
CESAM | Visit in Barcelona | 16/10/24
Four of the project's partner organisations met in Barcelona for a day of exchanging best practices at ACCIÓ's headquarters, followed by two visits to the Derypol and Go Zero Waste sites.
After almost 4 years of development, the LIFE WAT'SAVEREUSE project came to an end: the results are tangible for this project aimed to raise awareness about legislation on saving and reusing water in the tourism sector.
"Saving and reusing water in the tourism sector"
Malta | 12nd-13rd Nov. 2024
With the LocAll4Flood partners, we met in Malta for the second in-person meeting of the project, to discuss and present the progress made.
Over the last few months, the project has made significant progress, with the development of a catalogue of natural solutions for flood management, the configuration of an alert application and the implementation of risk perception surveys in pilot catchment areas.
On 28th-29th November, the Interreg Euro-MED programme organised the second Natural Heritage Mission Dialogue in Malaga, in which we took part, both as a project, with the presence of two of our partners, and as experts, through the intervention of Xavier Bernard-Sans, Secretary General of the Euroregion.
Italy | 25-27/11/24
We took part in the second meeting of the Carbon Farming Med project consortium, held in the magnificent Abruzzo region of Italy.
This project, funded by the Interreg Euro-MED programme, aims to promote the entry of the agricultural sector in the Mediterranean region into the carbon credit market.
The main aim of the project is to encourage the transformation of the fashion industry in the SUDOE region. The project aims to adapt the sector to new environmental requirements and promote a more sustainable model in the textile and fashion industry.
In Porto, CITEVE, one of our partners, presented Fashion Forward at Portugal's leading textile and fashion trade fair, Modtissimo 2024, on 12 and 13 September.
An important stage in the development of the project is the diagnostic of irrigation practices in the area covered by the project, via surveys of the farmers and stakeholders concerned.
Launch of the European cross-border platform | Budapest
News from the Euroregion's team:
We're glad to welcome Moussulihou Imame, who has fully integrated into the team for his internship in communication and European projects! We are also delighted to welcome back Lorena Abelenda Castro after her maternity leave. We also bid a fond farewell to Flora Bacquelaine, who was in charge of Culture and Youth in her absence. Thank you again! As for Anouck Moulin, our young Interreg volunteer (IVY), her mission to monitor and develop the AFLE within the team came to an end. We wish you all the best for your next professional move!
El Centre del Món, Hall B, 3rd floor,
35, Boulevard Saint Assiscle CS 7004 66011 Perpignan Cedex (France)