East Coastal Functional Area
The East Coastal Functional Area is dedicated to the challenges of ecosystems preservation and sustainable coastal management on the area between the Aude estuary and the Ebro delta. It is managed by the Pyrenees-Mediterranean Euroregion and a Steering Committee.
As part of the INTERREG VI-A Spain-France-Andorra (POCTEFA 2021-2027) Program it is funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
POCTEFA’s main objective is to strengthen the economic and social integration of the cross-border area through cooperation between territories. To achieve this, it co-finances and promotes cooperation projects carried out by partner entities from France, Spain, and Andorra in its territory.
The new POCTEFA program period (2021-2027) is based on the new political objective (OP5) of “a Europe closer to its citizens.”
To implement this political objective, the European Commission has proposed the identification of five functional areas within POCTEFA to provide greater territoriality and allow to work on a smaller scale to target more precisely local cooperation issues and encourage local initiatives. They are defined as areas with a high degree of interdependence facing common issues, where simultaneous actions in different sectors are needed for an efficient development. Each area is managed by a coordinator and a steering committee supervised by the Joint Secretariat of the POCTEFA program.
Each area manages a call for projects to select local cross-border cooperation initiatives that respond to its issues defined by axes. The AFLE’s call will provide 5.5 million euros in ERDF grants to projects for the preservation and sustainable management of the Mediterranean coastline.
The AFLE extends along the coastal strip between the Aude river mouth and the Ebro delta.
AFLE’s call for projects opened on April 4th 2024 with a launch event in Banyuls-sur-Mer. You can relive this event here: YouTube streaming link
It closed on July 5th 2024.
You can find all the information about the call for projects on the afle.euroregio.eu website, as well as on poctefa.eu
For this call for projects, 10 projects were submitted covering all 4 areas, 9 of which were eligible.
Discover the projects programmed for the 1st call for projects: Provisional project programming decision
Copyright Euroregio 2021