
Youth 4 Green ERF Project

General data

Programme: DG REGIO – European Commission

Priority: Communicate cohesion policy and the results of the European Green Pact in the daily life of the citizens of the Euroregion, focusing on the young people of the territory.

Specific objective: To adapt communication by bringing EU decisions closer to the citizens of the Euroregion, to illustrate the link between EU cohesion policy and the citizens of the territory, to raise young people’s interest in European issues, in particular environmental issues, and to involve young people in the design and implementation of this awareness-raising campaign.

Total budget: EUR 283 055,66
EU funding: 226 444,53 EUR
Co-financing: to be provided by each partner from its own funds.
Duration: 1 year


Euroregió Pirineus Mediterrània AECT

AMIC | Associació de Mitjans d’Informació i Comunicació
JEF Catalunya | Joventut Europea Federalista de Catalunya

Universitat de Girona | Europe Direct Girona

AMIC | Associació de Mitjans d’Informació i Comunicació

JEF Illes Balears | Joventut Europea Federalista de les Illes Balears
ED Prades | Agence de Développement rural Europe et territoires association
JET | Jeunes Européens Toulouse

General aims

Youth for green Euro Regio Future is a multilingual, personalised Euroregional communication campaign project on EU cohesion policy. It is created by and for young people and is based on long-term sustained territorial cooperation between the 3 member regions of the Pyrenees-Mediterranean/EPM Euroregion (Occitania Region, Generalitat de Catalunya and Government of the Balearic Islands).

With a consortium of 6 partners representing governments, local authorities, universities and youth organisations from the EPM territory presenting structures with experience in EU communication networks, the Y4 GREEN ERF project addresses the 5 priorities of the cohesion policy 2021-2027 to increase public awareness of the results of EU regional policy and the impact on citizens’ lives and on the sustainable development of the Euroregional territory. Thus, the main focus of the campaign is structured around the priority of greening Europe: the EPM has 35 natural land, marine and coastal areas.

Its main target is young people, including those with fewer opportunities (vocational training, second chance schools or young migrants). Y4-GREEN-ERF, through a network of local media, original and extensive communication channels (mini-documentaries, videos with images, social networks) adapts the most relevant themes of the European Green Pact (adaptation to climate change, preservation of the environment and biodiversity…) to an Euro-regional approach, themes that go beyond borders.

Specific aims

This project aims to:

  • Adapt communication through a Euroregional perspective at the heart of the European project. The project promotes classic and online communication actions covering the EPM territory, as well as social media campaigns. These campaigns go far beyond the traditional framework of communication on cohesion policy, in fact, climate change and environmental protection knows no borders.
    They will be measured through the number of media that broadcast the campaign and their geographical scope (target: at least 3 partners and 5 media partners according to different categories – print and online press, radios… – in each region), including also the total number of publications (target: at least 20 different publications/content in the Euroregional area).
  • Illustrate the connection between the future of the citizens of the Euroregion and the EU Cohesion Policy. The project will focus on the outcome of good practices based on projects from the period 2014-2020 and the first part of the current Cohesion Policy period 2021-2027 and related to climate change and environmental protection. This will be measured through various broadcast messages (target: at least 2 posters/boards, 4 videos > 3 mini-documentaries/interviews + 1 short video and 1 audio, and 20 contents for euroregional local media (articles, reports, interviews). …) and 50 posts on social networks, with a multiplier effect for online sharing).
  • Awaken the interest of young people, citizens… and the media in European issues. This will be measured through the number of people involved in the actions carried out (target: at least 50) or reached through the media (online and media statistics; target: 50,000).
  • Involve young people in the design and implementation of the project. The aim is to raise awareness among citizens who are not familiar with the EU and its action, through an original multilingual communication that can also appeal to the media. This is a double campaign: direct (by and for young people) and indirect (communication about communication).
    The results will be evaluated on the basis of the number of young people involved (target: at least 1,000 participants through face-to-face and online activities and a youth forum).


The project actions to be implemented, which complement the EPM Roadmap 2021-2030, will be co-constructed bottom-up dynamics adapted to the reality of each EPM territory, using its 4 different languages (Catalan, Spanish, French, Occitan).

Offline, at least 15 Euroregional events and a Euroregional Youth Forum are planned. Y4-GREEN-ERF expects to reach 50,000 Euroregional citizens and directly involve 1,000 young people, taking advantage of the newly created Euroregional Youth Assembly.


🟢 We have already inaugurated the YOUTH PANEL!!! 🟢

Young people from the Euroregional territory will come together to consult and actively participate in the debate around the Youth 4 Green ERF project on the communication of the European Green Deal and its implementation in this territory 🌳🌿


🟢 We have carried out actions in Catalonia and Occitania! 🟢

🌳 In the demarcation of GIRONA 🌳

🌿 In the demarcation of TARRAGONA 🌿

🍃 In the OCCITANIE region 🍃


Its main focus is on young people, including those with fewer opportunities (vocational training, second chance schools or young migrants).

Role of the Euroregion

The Euroregion team, as leader, coordinates the monitoring and management of the project, as well as communication and dissemination actions.

Social Media
