
Strengthening community cohesion is a priority for the Euroregion and its people are at the heart of the 2030 euroregional project.

Young people and the Euroregion

The Euroregion will give priority to young people for 2030. Consequently:

  • it will promote exchange and mobility of students, trainees and secondary school students;
  • it will support its Universities in their efforts to be inclusive for students and young researchers in the face of education’s new challenges and to cooperate at the European level;
  • it will foster cooperation between young entrepreneurs and work opportunities for young people promoting job support within the businesses of the Euroregion.

Euroregional Youth Assembly

On 9 and 10 February 2023, the first Euroregional Youth Assembly (AEJ in Catalan and French) was held in Toulouse.

During this first constituent assembly, the young people were able to choose their representatives, opting for a rotating presidency, following that of the Euroregion.
Here are some presentation words from their representatives:

Aged between 17 and 29, we were selected among the candidates from the three regions of the Balearic Islands, Catalonia and Occitania to form the first Euroregional Youth Assembly (EYA). On 9 and 10 February 2023, 25 of us met for the first time at the Hôtel de Région in Toulouse, on the occasion of the handover of the Euroregion presidency.
At the end of this first meeting, we decided on our common action plan and elected our 3 representatives and spokespersons, opting for a rotating presidency: President Francesc Almendros (Catalonia), Vice-President Emilie Tamo Kamguia (Occitania) and Vice-President Pau Torres (Balearic Islands).

As a consultative body of the Euroregion, the EYA has been meeting monthly, remotely, to prepare its proposals on a variety of issues: the environment, sustainable development and the responsible economy, inclusion and social rights, Catalan and Occitan languages/cultures. Gender equality is another important issue, while we are also focusing on the development of our communication plan. Motivated and united by the will to act, we have 18 months to show that youth is resourceful!

Application call open from 12/04 to 05/06/23

A new application period is open to participate in the Euroregion’s Youth Assembly, aimed at young people aged between 16 and 30, residing in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands. Applications open from 12 April to 5 June 2023.

The young people of the EYA made a video for the call for applications: discover it through their own words!

Rules and information
Application form

Shared values

The Euroregion encourages public participation to share common, democratic, European values and solidarity.

During the 16 years of its existence, the Euroregion has acted to foster solidarity among its constituent regions, encouraging them to get to know each other better so as to disseminate European ideals. The Euroregion strives to overcome administrative, language and cultural barriers among its members and, beyond that, it will promote a spirit of cooperation and mutual understanding to make us stronger and more visible in Europe.

By 2030, the members of the Euroregion will involve the public in initiatives and in determining part of its policy of cooperation and projects that matter most to people and will therefore:

  • create participatory projects to promote public involvement, particularly of young people;
  • promote European values among the people of the Euroregion through targeted communication with the general public and through its communication with the EU.
Community cohesion and solidarity

The Euroregion seeks to safeguard basic human rights: access to water, education, energy, culture….

In addition, the objectives of the Euroregion include:

  • The integration of new arrivals, of immigrants and fostering intergenerational relations;
  • promoting familiarity and exchange among socio-economic actors in the Euroregion;
  • promoting new ways of building community cohesion, principally through culture and by promoting new forms of entrepreneurship, such as in the third sector.
Culture and innovation

The Euroregion will develop a strong culture through a common, innovative culture:

  • Giving support to euroregional creative industries;
  • aiding artistic creation and its digitisation;
  • supporting all its cultures and their tangible and intangible heritage.
Euroregional languages and new cultures

The Euroregion will embrace both its euroregional languages and new cultures:

  • boosting activity and exchange among young people related to the euroregional languages and culture;
  • facilitating social integration and exchange related to respect for cultural and linguistic diversity.
A place open to other cultures

The Euroregion seeks to be a place that is open to other cultures and other places:

  • promoting cooperation with other regions and euroregions in Europe in the field of culture;
  • promoting partnerships between the two shores of the Mediterranean.
  • Transefímers. Projecte liderat pel Consorci Transversal-Xarxa d’Activitats Culturals (Catalunya). Socis: Associació La Insòlita (Illes Balears) i Associació Champ Libre (Occitània). Import concedit: 24.000€. Transefímers proposa una col·laboració entre festivals d’art efímer (instal·lacions artístiques temporals: arquitectòniques, lumíniques, visuals, d’art urbà, etc.) que tenen lloc a l’espai públic i cerquen revaloritzar el patrimoni cultural a través de la creació contemporània.
  • Art i Territori. Projecte liderat per l’Associació Idensitat (Catalunya). Socis: Casa Planas (Illes Balears), La Escocesa (Catalunya) i Le BBB Centre d’Art (Occitània). Import concedit: 24.000€. Art i territori és una xarxa de residències pel foment de la recerca i la producció artística a Catalunya, Balears i Occitània. S’estableix com un context de treball compartit, a partir d’un marc espacial i conceptual que els membres de la xarxa tenen en comú: la “perifèria”.
  • Delta. Residències de creació euroregional. Projecte liderat per l’Associació Es Far Cultural (Illes Balears). Socis: Jiser Reflexions Mediterrànies (Catalunya) i Centre d’Art Le Lait (Occitània). Import concedit: 23.000€. Aquest projecte preveu la selecció, a través de convocatòria pública, de sis artistes: dos de Catalunya, dos de les Illes Balears i dos de la Regió Occitània. Realitzaran una estada a la residència d’artistes de Montpalau, a Menorca. Hi haurà una estada de creació i intercanvis, una exposició a Barcelona i una altra a Albí.
  • Cinema Lliure a la Biblioteca. Projecte liderat per Mago Production. Socis: Godo Films (Occitània) i APAIB (Illes Balears). Import concedit 21.000€. El projecte fomenta el consum de l’audiovisual local i potencia l’ús de les biblioteques com a espai social per estimular la cooperació entre diferents sectors culturals de l’Euroregió.
  • Memòria i patrimoni de l’exili a l’Euroregió. Projecte liderat per la Fundació Pi i Sunyer. Socis: Universitat de les Illes Balears (IB), Laboratoire FRAMESPA-Universitat de Tolosa 1 Capitoli (Occitània), Arxius Municipals d’Agde (Occtiània), Museu Memorial de l’Exili (Catalunya), Centre d’Estudis sobre Dictadures i Democràcies (Catalunya) i Universitat de València. Import concedit: 13.000€. Memòria i patrimoni de l’exili a l’Euroregió té dues fases. En la primera, s’organitza una trobada d’especialistes en els camps francesos, l’exili i la retirada dels tres territoris de l’Euroregió i, també, del conjunt d’Espanya i França. En una segona fase, es crea un repositori de recerca de l’exili i els camps de l’Euroregió.
  • Realitat museística i diàleg euroregional. Projecte liderat per la Universitat de les Illes Balears (IB). Socis: Universitat de Perpinyà Via Domícia (Occitània), Ateneu Barcelonès (Catalunya), Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Catalunya). Import concedit: 22.000€. L’objectiu del projecte és promoure línies de treball entre museus de l’Euroregió amb característiques comunes, ja sigui des de la connexió d’eines tècniques, ja sigui de difusió. El projecte també vol generar un document on, des del coneixement acadèmic i des dels propis gestors, es facin propostes a les administracions públiques per potenciar la relació iniciada.
  • LandLimo1. Projecte liderat per Association Fotolimo (Occitanie). Socis: Casa Planas (Illes Balears) i Ruido (Catalunya). Import concedit 13.000€. LandLimo1 és una col·laboració entre tres entitats euroregionals que s’associen per qüestionar la noció de frontera a través de les arts visuals, de mostres de tallers i de la investigació artística.