European conference | Euroregions in the Mediterranean

Toulouse, Hôtel de Région 22, Boulevard du Maréchal Juin, Toulouse, Occitanie, França

As part of the handover of the Euroregion presidency from the Region Occitanie to the Generalitat of Catalonia, the EPM is organising round tables with representatives of various European institutions and other Euroregions: Conference "Euroregions in the Mediterranean: proximity cooperations" Programme : 14:05/14:50 Round Table 1: The EPM, a stakeholder […]

EPM | EGA of handover of Presidency | Youth Languages Rewards | EYA

Toulouse, Hôtel de Région 22, Boulevard du Maréchal Juin, Toulouse, Occitanie, França

Following the European Conference "Euroregions in the Mediterranean: cooperation in proximity", in the presence of representatives of the European institutions invited and other Euroregions present, the Euroregion's representatives will present their prizes to the young winners of the Youth Competition for projects on social networks to promote the Catalan and […]

LCUE | Presentation at Plataforma REsidus Municipals | Webinar

In the framework of the 21st webinar of the Plataforma REsidus Municipals - Tools to improve management, "Resources for Let's Clean Up Europe 2023" will be presented. Among other contributions, there will be a presentation of the Euroregional waste collection day. Programme You can follow the webinar live HERE, in […]

Mobile World Congress Barcelona | Round table Economic collaborations FR-ES

From 28 February to 2 March 2023, the Mobile World Congress will be held in Barcelona. Nearly 30 companies and startups will participate via a delegation led by the Pôle Action Média and the Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée Region, in conjunction with Business France. The Euroregion Pyrenees Mediterranean will participate in […]

MICROPYR | SOSPYR | Materials presentation

In the framework of the SOSPYR microproject, a day of presentation of the developed materials will take place in Ste Léocadie (Cerdagne, 66) on March 17, 2023, with an intervention of the Euroregion in opening. You can consult the programme here (CAT | FR)

LIFE19 GIE/FR/001013 WAT’SAVEREUSE – World Water Day 2023 | Barcelona

Barcelona Barcelona, Espanya

Since last February 10, the Generalitat de Catalunya held the presidency of the Euroregion, the event of the World Water Day 2023 will be the institutional framework to present the first results of the project LIFE WAT'SAVEREUSE and share with all the agents of the world of water and European […]

DG REGIO | EPM presentation | Brussels

Visit of a delegation from the Euroregion to the European DG REGIO in Brussels to present the actions and projects of the EPM to the Cross-border Cooperation Unit, in particular the POCTEFA East Coastal Functional Area.
