Tender for technical assistance for a #LIFE2021 project

Call for tenders for the commissioning of a general assistance to the presentation of an energy transition project proposal, in the framework of the next call of the European programme #LIFE2021. More information here: https://www.marches-securises.fr/entreprise/?module=liste_consultations&presta=%3Bservices%3Btravaux%3Bfournitures%3Bautres&r=EGPM_66_20210503W2_01&date_cloture_type=0&

Closure of EPM Culture call 2021

As every year, the EPM supports the cultural actors in its territory within the framework of this call and in line with the new roadmap. https://euroregio.eu/en/euroregional-projects/grants-and-subsidies

CESER | Meeting at the EPM

Perpignan Perpiñán, França

Face-to-face meeting at the Euroregion headquarters of the CESERs of the Region Occitania, Catalonia and Balearic Islands, with other member institutional representatives.  
