AFLE | Call for Projects

Following the launch of the AFLE on April 4 at the Banyuls Oceanological Observatory, the call for projects for the AFLE program is open until June 30, 2024 at 2 p.m. For more information, visit the AFLE website

APC23 | Webinar

Webinar presentation of the culture projects 2023

AFLE | Webinar call for projects

Webinar for stakeholders interested in the call for projects, technical information, synergy building and other issues. Programme available soon. For further information:

European Conference | Minoritized languages in the EU

Participation of the Euroregion in the round table "The future of minority languages in the EU" of the European Conference on Minority Languages in the EU with political, university and other European representatives at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Programme available soon

APC22 | Exhibition “L’Eau à la source”

Inauguration of the exhibition "L'Eau à la source" by Josep Maria de Llobet, director of the Institute of Photographic Studies of Catalonia (IEFC), in collaboration with the Pyrénéen Institute of Photography (IPP).

CESAM | Steering Committee

Steering Committee with the partners of the CESAM project, of the I3 instrument, on May 23rd and 24th in Palma. Programme
