List of Culture project COVID-19 Fund
List of Culture project COVID-19 Fund
You can consult the videos and materials of the presentation made in Barcelona (3 May) on this link. Also on the YouTube channel of Europa Creativa Desk – MEDIA Catalonia 1) Transefímers. Project led by the Consorci Transversal-Xarxa d’Activitats Culturals (Catalonia). Partners: La Insòlita (Balearic Islands) and Association Champ Libre (Occitanie). Amount awarded: €24,000. ...
You can consult the 2018 and 2019 rules of the call 2018 i 2019 del premi as well as the press release on its resolution.
Euroregional call in the water sector. See the documents here: in Catalan and in French.
You can consult the 2018 and 2019 rules of the award as well as the press release on its resolution.
REACCIONA Ara The direct result of the project Reacciona, selected for the call of the Euroregion Culture project 2016, is an improved version bearing in mind the experience during the initial project. “Reacciona Ara” enables young people to get access to the audiovisual tools and move from the passive role ...
The Euroregion has, among its objectives, to boost structuring cultural cooperation. This is why it provides grants for Euroregional and European cultural projects. On this page, you can find the rules of the call and the documents you must submit.