Promoting a way out of the socio-economic crisis generated by Covid-19 towards sustainability and resilience
- Identify sectors and ecosystems with the greatest potential to move towards sustainability and social, economic and environmental resilience
- Identify the sectors and ecosystems that have the most environmental impact and the most important conversion need
- Identify measures that can contribute to greater sustainability and resilience or favor priority sectors
- Detect opportunities to condition aid, funding and support measures on specific commitments by beneficiaries to switch to sustainability
- Detect the main needs of the priority sectors and opportunities to encourage them
See projects.
Leader : Associació ECOSERVEIS
Duration : from 01/03/2021 to 28/02/2022
Euroregion Subsidy : 15 000 €
Description : CLIMED will develop a diagnosis and a strategic study of the potential of the Bioeconomy to promote an exit from the socio-economic crisis generated by Covid-19 towards sustainability and resilience. By bioeconomy we use the definition of the European Commission, comprising those parts of the economy that use the renewable biological resources of the land and the sea to produce food, materials and energy. Thus, the study will focus on more than one ecosystem and explore the interrelationships between them to develop solutions towards sustainability and resilience.
FEBSMED – Favorisons l’Économie Bleue Solidaire en Méditerranée
Leader : Innovació i Economia Social en la Mediterrània, SCEL, IesMed
Partners : Centre International de Hautes Études agronomiques Mediterraneenes-Institut Agronomique Mediterraneen de Montpellier, CIHEAM-IAMM; Asamblea de Cooperación por la Paz Islas Baleares, ACPP
Duration : del 01/11/2020 al 31/12/2021
Euroregion Subsidy : 15 000 €
Description : Promote an exit from the socio-economic crisis generated by Covid-19 by promoting the Blue Solidarity Economy (EBS) as a resilient and sustainable sector. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: a.) Identify the main actors, initiatives and good practices in EBS thanks to a mapping of Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and Occitania to consolidate the concept of EBS and promote the networking of actors; b.) Promote the meeting between the actors and the projects of EBS, identified or potential, creators of employment and opportunities of socio-economic development, by targeting as a priority women and young people, key actors of sustainable development ; c.) Identify synergies and possible convergences between the different Euroregional experiences in EBS, facilitate their networking; d.) Formulate strategic recommendations and build a Mediterranean EBS roadmap to position EPM on the concept and forge innovative, sustainable and resilient partnerships in the region.