
38 Results / Page 4 of 5


labelCulture grants archive today26 de December de 2013

Subsidised projects in 2013

CARRER – Circuit Euroregional d’Arts del Carrer Project linked to street arts led by Le Cratère – Scène Nationale d’Alès, in Languedoc-Roussillon. The partnership involved other organisations from Languedoc-Roussillon (L’Atelline, Communauté de Communes du Lodévois et Larzac, Les Elvis Platinés, RudeBoyCrew Festival d’Olt, Eurek’art Labelrue), Midi-Pyrénées (La Cellule), Catalonia (Festival ...

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labelCulture grants archive today26 de December de 2012

Projects subsidised in 2012

Sci-Fi With the aim of combating young people’s disaffection with scientific study, the project aimed to spread scientific, technical and industrial culture through the development of serious games, which motivate young people to take an interest in the main scientific fields. The leader, the Centre Universitaire de Formation et de Recherche ...

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labelEnvironment, Climate and Energy grants archive today26 de December de 2012

Call for grants 2012

These projects, aimed at improving resource efficiency, energy efficiency and the sustainable management of water resources, were led by Catalan organisations and companies, and received funding of more than 197,000 euros from the Euroregion. The projects selected: GEOPIMED, promoted by the company Ecoserveis, would analyse the efficient use of geothermal energy ...

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labelCulture grants archive today26 de November de 2011

Projects subsidised in 2011

Habitacio The Habitacio project was a dance company project that included the Cie Samuel Mathieu (MP), the leader, the Companyia Mar Gómez (CAT) and La Galerie Chorégraphique (LR). This initiative aimed to bring together the two companies of contemporary choreography and the office of artistic production. An observatory of the creative process on artistic research ...

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labelCulture grants archive today26 de December de 2010

Projects subsidised in 2010

AA++ Acompanyament Artístic The proposal of AA ++ Acompanyament Artístic (Música Stream) was located in the field of contemporary music and was led by three associations: Avant-Mardi (MP), the leader, Cases de la Música (CAT) and La Méridionale (LR).  This initiative involved implementing an artistic mentorship of musicians in process of professionalization and helping to increase economic ...

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