Higher education grants archive

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labelHigher education grants archive today7 de December de 2020

Language project IC4

Intensive training in languages, of short duration and adapted to students and researchers in “mobility” within the Euroregion Because of its history, the Euroregion has four languages: Catalan, Spanish, French and Occitan. The use and knowledge of these languages is quite uneven. Languages, therefore, form a linguistic “barrier” between the ...

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  • 66

labelHigher education grants archive today20 de May de 2014

Eurocampus call 2014 – Calls for mobility for thesis co-supervisions

La cooperació euroregional entre Catalunya, les Illes Balears i les regions franceses de Midi-Pyrénées i Languedoc-Roussillon en l’àmbit de l’ensenyament superior, de la recerca i de la innovació, es materialitza des del 2009 a través de l’Eurocampus Pirineus Mediterrània, primer campus europeu pel que fa al nombre d’estudiants.

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