Press notes



The LIFE WAT’SAVEREUSE final conference in Palma (Balearic Islands) brought together senior political representatives, players from the tourism sector and partners in the european project to review progress and recommendations on the circularity and sustainability of water use.

In the Euroregion, public water policies promote good practice by raising awareness among the general public and economic and institutional players.

Joining the initiatives organised for World Water Day, the final conference of the WAT’SAVEREUSE project was held in Palma (Balearic Islands) on 21st March 2024. Local and regional decision-makers and economic players from the tourism sector in the Pyrenees-Mediterranean Euroregion took stock of the progress made and real applications of legislation on water management, from reducing consumption in tourist facilities to reusing water, particularly for watering.

Due to this project, co-funded by the European Union’s Life programme and led by the Euroregion, more than 14 million tourists, more than 3.000 private sector actors and more than 40 public institutions have been aware of this problem in the Euroregional territory, which includes Catalonia, the Occcitania region and the Balearic Islands.

“Everything has already been invented, now it’s time to apply it!”

The speakers were very clear on this point. This is why the recommendations and good practice reports drawn up by the WAT’SAVEREUSE partners and the technological benchmarks will be disseminated within the European Union, to continue to develop these practices beyond the Euroregional territory. Tangible technical application guides to enable players in the sector to benefit from the experience gained will be available on the project website.

The discussions and site visits highlighted the importance of the involvement of local and regional public authorities to go beyond, such as campaigns launched by the authorities to raise public awareness of the need to use water wisely, or the proposal to use seawater for foot showers on beaches.

All these results will be used to provide input for other projects where water resource management is crucial, such as in the agri-food and textile sectors.

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